Preparing your move

This is it! You have found the apartment of your dreams: The lease is signed and you will settle there in July. All that remains is to plan everything before the move. A few months before the big day, you can already initiate some of the steps.

But where to start? Here are some tips to help you out.

Three months before

Since July is the peak period for moving, book your moving services or rent a truck in advance. You will avoid many inconveniences.

A month before

Determine what you want to move or not, and give or sell what does not suit you anymore. Schedule the dates of disconnection and reconnection of services (Internet, electricity, etc.) and make your address changes to the concerned companies and institutions. Also begin to collect a sufficient quantity of boxes.

A week before

Pack your boxes and clearly identify their contents and where they will go. Remove your frames and shelves and fill holes as needed. Check if the apartment is available before the move to get started on the clean-up, and confirm the presence of those giving you a hand.

The day before

Remind your mover and your loved ones of the appointment date and time. Disassemble all the furniture you can. Gather what you need for the next day and keep it handy: cleaning supplies, markers, tools, etc.

The “Big” day

Put the most fragile objects and all that will serve you that day in your car. Make a last tour of the apartment to make sure you are not forgetting anything and sweep one last time!
