Searching for an apartment: how to choose your neighbourhood?

Rent and size are often the first criteria when looking for a home. The choice of a neighbourhood also deserves special attention because it comes, by definition, with a certain way of life. As we approach July 1, the fateful date of many moves in Quebec, here are some tips to help you find THE neighborhood that suits you best.

Talk about it around you!

The attraction to a neighbourhood is not objective, so why not start your search by calling your loved ones. They can be of great help in establishing a pre-selection of neighbourhoods.

Make a list

Then make a list of the criteria that matter most to you: neighbourhood life, public transportation, businesses, schools, grocery stores and community facilities. Prioritize your choices and eliminate neighbourhood s that do not qualify. Don’t forget proximity, which is an important issue when it comes time to shop an apartment. How much time do you want to spend in the morning and evening to get to work? Will your new home be near public transit or have parking? How far do you want to live from a park, from shops, from your friends?

Your heart sways?

The best way to confirm your choice is to visit the neighbourhood in the daytime and evening. Browse the streets, feel the atmosphere, enter the shops, but mostly talk with people: they are the ones who will describe best the ups and downs of the neighbourhood.


You have a crush? Now you just have to find that rare jewel of an apartment. Kangalou offers you a geolocation tool to conduct your research in the selected neighbourhood, in addition to allowing you to focus only on housing corresponding to your criteria.
