Description of the apartment for rent

Superbe appartement au 18e étage d’un immeuble nouvellement construit localisé au carrefour du Vieux-Montréal et de Griffintown avec vue imprenable sur Montréal. Le loyer mensuel de 2 280 $ comprend l’internet et l’électricité, et tous les électroménagers, dont le lave-vaisselle. Gymnase, espaces de co-working et deux piscines disponibles dans les aires communes. Location de véhicules électriques gratuite pour les occupants. Contactez le [hidden information] pour une visite.

Superb apartment on the 18th floor of a newly-constructed building at the crossroads of Old Montreal and Griffintown, with breathtaking views of Montreal. Monthly rent of $2,280 includes internet and electricity, and all appliances, including dishwasher. Gymnasium, co-working spaces and two swimming pools available in common areas. Free electric vehicle rental for occupants.
Call [hidden information] for a visit.

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Specifications of the apartment for rent

General information

Number of rooms: 1

Rent: $2,280 / month

Number of bathrooms: 1

Size: 65 m2 (700 ft2)

Availability: now



Hot water

Interior details

Washer and dryer connectors


Dog allowed

Cat allowed

Small dog allowed

Animals in cage/aquarium

Important criteria

Animals welcomed

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Contact About

Jean-Francois Landry

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Important Safety Notice
Here are some things to watch out for when communicating with the advertiser:
  • An advertiser cannot require a deposit for a visit or a rental reservation. However, following the signing of your rental application, a deposit for a pre-rental survey may be required.
  • Contact the owner by phone to make arrangements for a visit.
  • Does the ad seem too good to be true? Be extra vigilant.
More information

Jean-Francois Landry

Please log in to view information about the landlord

Important Safety Notice
Here are some things to watch out for when communicating with the advertiser:
  • An advertiser cannot require a deposit for a visit or a rental reservation. However, following the signing of your rental application, a deposit for a pre-rental survey may be required.
  • Contact the owner by phone to make arrangements for a visit.
  • Does the ad seem too good to be true? Be extra vigilant.
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