Description of the apartment for rent

Superbe logement NEUF au rez-de-chaussée, incluant le plancher chauffant. Nous incluons aussi la tonte de la pelouse ainsi que le déneigement des stationnements.
Entrée intérieure commune aux 6 logements.
Grand espace vert à l'extérieur.

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Specifications of the apartment for rent

General information

Number of rooms: 2

Rent: $1,500 / month

Floor: Ground floor

Number of bathrooms: 1

Size: 99 m2 (1,071 ft2)

Availability: January 1, 2025



Schools Primary school

Sports Arena

Stores Grocery store, Bakery, Restaurants, Hardware store, Bank, Coffee shop, Pharmacy

Park Children's toys, Children's paddle pool

Health CLSC

Places of worship Church



Parking Exterior

Interior details

Washer and dryer connectors

Dishwasher connectors


Type of flooring Floating


Exterior details

Access to site

Balcony in the front


Dog allowed

Cat allowed

Small dog allowed



Important criteria

Accessible (reduced mobility)

Ideal for seniors

Open space

Animals welcomed


Great location

Yard accessible

Green spaces

New construction


Accessibility - person with reduced mobility

Appartment accessibility Ground floor access

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Contact About

Elodie Hébert

Please log in to contact the landlord

(819) 308-XXXX - Show the number

Important Safety Notice
Here are some things to watch out for when communicating with the advertiser:
  • An advertiser cannot require a deposit for a visit or a rental reservation. However, following the signing of your rental application, a deposit for a pre-rental survey may be required.
  • Contact the owner by phone to make arrangements for a visit.
  • Does the ad seem too good to be true? Be extra vigilant.
More information

Elodie Hébert

Please log in to view information about the landlord

(819) 308-XXXX - Show the number

Important Safety Notice
Here are some things to watch out for when communicating with the advertiser:
  • An advertiser cannot require a deposit for a visit or a rental reservation. However, following the signing of your rental application, a deposit for a pre-rental survey may be required.
  • Contact the owner by phone to make arrangements for a visit.
  • Does the ad seem too good to be true? Be extra vigilant.
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