Description of the apartment for rent

Bienvenue Le Faubourg de Lile

Bien situ de lautre ct de la rivire des Outaouais face au march By, Le Faubourg de L'le offre une option abordable la vie au centre-ville en favorisant un excellent mode de vie. Les rsidents peuvent profiter de laccs facile et rapide au centre-ville dOttawa par les ponts du Portage et Macdonald-Cartier. Mais, il y a tant dattraits dcouvrir plus prs de chez soi, comme les sentiers riverains du parc Jacques-Cartier, le Casino du Lac-Leamy de rputation mondiale, le Muse canadien de lhistoire et les magnifiques paysages durant toute lanne quoffre le parc de la Gatineau situ proximit. Limmeuble, o les animaux de compagnie sont accepts, se trouve prs des voies et du transport en commun principaux, et le complexe gouvernemental de la Place du Portage est une distance de marche. Choisissez parmi nos appartements classiques ou moderniss. Notre personnel professionnel sur place rpond rapidement aux demandes et entretient de manire dynamique les terrains, les aires communes et les services, comme la piscine extrieure. Communiquez avec notre bureau de location ds aujourdhui pour rserver votre nouvel appartement Le Faubourg de Lle!

Conveniently located just across the river from the ByWard Market, Le Faubourg de L'ile offers an affordable alternative to downtown living with its own great lifestyle features. Residents can take advantage of fast, easy access to downtown Ottawa via the Portage and MacDonald-Cartier bridges, but theres also so much to explore closer to home, including the riverside trails of Jacques Cartier Park, the world-class Casino Lac Leamy, the Museum of Civilization, and the gorgeous, four-season natural playground of nearby Gatineau Park. The pet-friendly building is close to major thoroughfares and transit, and the Place du Portage government complex is within walking distance. Choose from our classic or upgraded suites. Our professional live-in staff respond quickly to requests and proactively maintain the grounds, common areas, and amenities, which include an outdoor pool. Call our rental centre today to make Le Faubourg de Lile Apartments your new home!

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Specifications of the apartment for rent

General information

Number of rooms: 2

Rent: $1,519 / month

Number of bathrooms: 1

Availability: now


Stores Grocery store, Laundromat




Pool Exterior


Alarm system/cameras




Hot water

Appliances(s) included Fridge, Stove

Interior details

Type of flooring Carpet, Ceramic


Dog allowed

Cat allowed

Small dog allowed

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Contact About

Osgoode Properties

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613-688-XXXX - Show the number

Important Safety Notice
Here are some things to watch out for when communicating with the advertiser:
  • An advertiser cannot require a deposit for a visit or a rental reservation. However, following the signing of your rental application, a deposit for a pre-rental survey may be required.
  • Contact the owner by phone to make arrangements for a visit.
  • Does the ad seem too good to be true? Be extra vigilant.
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Osgoode Properties

Please log in to view information about the landlord

613-688-XXXX - Show the number

Important Safety Notice
Here are some things to watch out for when communicating with the advertiser:
  • An advertiser cannot require a deposit for a visit or a rental reservation. However, following the signing of your rental application, a deposit for a pre-rental survey may be required.
  • Contact the owner by phone to make arrangements for a visit.
  • Does the ad seem too good to be true? Be extra vigilant.
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