Description of the studio for rent

*Prices shown are best available, but may be limited to features, finishes, floor plan, availability and occupancy date. Prices shown reflect the lowest available cost per room. The cost per room is based on occupancy equal to the number of rooms. Room rates may vary based on location in suite and square footage. These prices are subject to change without notice. Square footage is represented as the average square feet for the unit type. Actual square footage will vary depending on the exact unit available at the time of inquiry. Please speak to your Leasing Consultant or contact the Rental Information Line at 514.500.6756 for more details. Errors & Omissions excepted.

Appartements spacieux dans le quartier Cte-des-Neiges Montral

Au cur du quartier historique de Cte-des-Neiges Montral se trouvent les appartements Rockhill, un complexe de six immeubles au pied du mont Royal. Faites lexprience de la vie urbaine tout prs de la nature. Vous serez deux pas des arrts du rseau de transport en commun do vous pourrez vous rendre dans les piceries, les hpitaux universitaires, les coles et les universits qui se trouvent proximit, notamment lUniversit McGill, lUniversit de Montral, lUniversit Concordia et HEC Montral.

Permettez-nous de vous faire dcouvrir votre nouveau foyer. Que vous choisissiez une visite virtuelle ou une visite avec ou sans guide, cest avec plaisir que nous vous aiderons dans votre exploration.

Caractristiques de lappartement:

  • Grands appartements clairs naturellement avec balcons
  • Cot du chauffage et de leau inclus
  • Balcon priv dans chaque appartement
  • Vue magnifique sur la ville en toutes saisons, certains appartements donnant sur le mont Royal
  • Rfrigrateur, cuisinire et espace de rangement dans chaque appartement
  • Les appartements amliors disposent dun rfrigrateur, dune cuisinire, dun lave-vaisselle et dun four micro-ondes
  • Parquet, planchers de bois franc et revtement de sol stratifi
  • Appartements non-fumeurs - nous visons un environnement entirement sans fume


  • Stationnement intrieur ou extrieur
  • Station de lavage de voitures en libre-service
  • proximit des transports en commun, des autoroutes, des routes principales, des cliniques et des hpitaux
  • proximit des coles, des commerces et des restaurants
  • Adapts aux besoins des familles
  • Centre de conditionnement physique complet avec piscine intrieure et sauna
  • Cour extrieure avec emplacements rservs aux grillades
  • Ascenseurs et rampes daccs
  • Animaux accepts: aucune restriction de race ou de poids pour lanimal
  • Rservation dquipements en ligne
  • Accs par cl numrique
  • Services de scurit et dentretien durgence 24heures sur 24
  • Camras de scurits et service de gestion sur place
  • Pharmacie et dpanneur sur place
  • Espace de stockage et buanderie commune dans limmeuble

Renseignez-vous pour connatre les appartements disponibles ds maintenant ou dici 3mois. Veuillez prendre note que la dure du bail est de 12mois et que les appartements ne sont pas tous meubls.

Spacious apartments in Montral's Cte-des-Neiges neighbourhood

In the heart of Montral's historic Cte-des-Neiges neighbourhood is Rockhill Apartments, a complex of six buildings at the foot of Mount Royal. Experience living next to nature and the city, with STM transit stops outside your door to get you to grocery stores, teaching hospitals, schools, and universities nearby -- including McGill University, University of Montreal, Concordia University, and HEC Montreal.

Let us help you determine the best way for you to discover your new home. Whether you prefer a virtual, self-guided, or in-person tour, we are happy to help you explore.

Apartment Features:

  • Large apartments with featured windows and balconies
  • Heat and water included
  • Private balcony in each suite
  • Gorgeous views of the city in all seasons, including some views of Mount Royal
  • Fridge, stove, and storage in each suite
  • Upgraded suites have a fridge, stove, dishwasher, and microwave
  • Parquet, hardwood, and laminate flooring
  • Non-smoking apartments, we are transitioning to be 100% smoke-free

The Amenities:

  • Indoor or outdoor parking
  • Self-service car washing station
  • Close to transit, highways, major roadways, clinics, and hospitals
  • Close to schools, shopping, and dining
  • Family-friendly
  • Full-service fitness centre with an indoor pool and sauna
  • Courtyard with grilling stations
  • Elevators and access ramps
  • Pet-friendly no restrictions on pet breed or weight
  • Online amenity booking
  • digital key entry
  • 24-hour security and emergency maintenance
  • Management and security cameras on-site
  • Pharmacy and convenience store on-site
  • Storage and laundry in-building

Inquire today for suites available anytime between now 3 months away. Please note that the lease duration is 12 months and that all suites are unfurnished.

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      Specifications of the studio for rent

      General information

      Rent: $1,539 / month

      Number of bathrooms: 1

      Size: 42 m2 (448 ft2)

      Availability: now



      Parking Interior



      Hot water

      Interior details


      Exterior details



      Dog allowed

      Cat allowed

      Small dog allowed

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      Contact About

      Minto Properties Inc.

      Please log in to contact the landlord

      438-815-XXXX - Show the number

      Important Safety Notice
      Here are some things to watch out for when communicating with the advertiser:
      • An advertiser cannot require a deposit for a visit or a rental reservation. However, following the signing of your rental application, a deposit for a pre-rental survey may be required.
      • Contact the owner by phone to make arrangements for a visit.
      • Does the ad seem too good to be true? Be extra vigilant.
      More information

      Minto Properties Inc.

      Please log in to view information about the landlord

      438-815-XXXX - Show the number

      Important Safety Notice
      Here are some things to watch out for when communicating with the advertiser:
      • An advertiser cannot require a deposit for a visit or a rental reservation. However, following the signing of your rental application, a deposit for a pre-rental survey may be required.
      • Contact the owner by phone to make arrangements for a visit.
      • Does the ad seem too good to be true? Be extra vigilant.
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